
Käkat lchf-pannkakor till frukost. Ska iväg och sola och träna. Sen hämtar vi nästa klänning. Tur att gubben är i Nossebro så han inte ser. Naturligtvis får han betala i slutändan 😜 ändå. Usch igår beställde jag nya stocknings, dyrt som satan, men det kostar att ligga på topp att vara ab fab så att säga. 

Ska beställa tid för Olaplex också innan jag gör nästa galna färgförändring.

Hä ä dyrt å leva livet fullt ut och följa sina nycker. Pension blir det uppenbarligen ingen🍒

Got This from a friend!

Hiding out in my couch

Had a good day. Had a lie down after work before I decided it was time for The weekly tidying up. Some Washing, wiping and wacuming. Oh so much fun... After that dinner. Now I'm hiding out in My couch. Hubby is out talking to friends who are trying to talk him into some binge drinking. They're here in a limo to pick him up. He has plans to get up early in The morning and go to a swap meet to sell some "crap". We'll soon find out who wins.

 He won. I myself had enough of freezing My ass of two weeks ago at The last swap meet. I myself will settle for The gym in The morning. Tomorrow night there is a Cruising in Gothenburg. It is to celebratethe arrival of spring. What spring? It's nowhere around here that's for sure... After that there is a rockabillyparty at a car club. Well we'll see tomorrow. If The weather continues I'll probably prefer staying under My blanket....

Have a good one out there!